Freeholder Mary Ann O’Brien Takes Opponent Belgard to Task for Lying About Her Record

Dear Editor:


When reading last Sunday’s Burlington County Times, I was floored to read the letter from Freeholder candidate Aimee Belgard attacking my running mate and friend, Bruce Garganio, with a mix of misleading statements, half-truths and downright lies.


While it’s not surprising to see a desperate politician like Belgard lie about her own record and her opponents record in an attempt to get elected, Belgard’s lies are so easily disproved by the official record that that it makes you question how little respect she has for the average county residents’ intelligence.


I am writing today to set the record straight and arm voters with the facts.


First, Belgard made opposing the sale of Buttonwood Hospital to a private healthcare provider the centerpiece of her campaign.  In doing so, Belgard supports a $50 million property tax increase that would hurt middle-class families and hurt our economy.  As Freeholder, Belgard would support forcing all county taxpayers to subsidize $5 million in red ink annually because the powerful CWA Union boss told her to.


Second, Belgard claims that she did not raise property taxes by 19% over the last three years as an Edgewater Park Committeewoman.  Again, not true.  Official state and local records prove beyond dispute that Aimee Belgard did raise property taxes.  (See Edgewater Park Ordinance 2010-5 and Budget Resolutions 2011 and 2012)  If anyone is interested in seeing the proof of Belgard’s tax increases, please contact my campaign at 609-267-3432, and I would be glad to mail or email you the official records for review.


Third, Ms. Belgard claims that she did not layoff police officers, despite a serious gang problem in her town.  Again, the proof of this is beyond dispute. (See Edgewater Park Resolution 2010-118, adopted unanimously) Again, I would be willing to send it to anyone interested in their own independent review.


In closing, let me say that I know most people are focused on the races for President and Congress this year, but I urge you to pay attention to the race for Freeholder, too.


Your choice is clear: Over the last three years, the Republican Freeholders have cut county property taxes by 9% while protecting key services for people who need them.  At the same time Democrat Freeholder candidate Aimee Belgard increased property taxes by 19% while putting public safety at risk with police layoffs.


I respectfully ask that you consider those facts before you vote on November 6th.


Thank you for your time.


Mary Ann O’Brien